by Eddie Wong | Mar 6, 2014 | Gallery, Winter Activities
Marmot Basin Freeriders Weekends fill the hills with the Jumps and Bumps and the rest of the Freeride club. Nelly and her little Jumps and Bumps. The Freestyers and the coaches flying...
by Eddie Wong | Feb 2, 2014 | Gallery, Winter Activities
Jasper Freeride Club clips of the athletes collection. Will try and post as many clips as i can on this blog on the athletes with their tricks. Our local ski hill, Marmot Basin host our Jasper Freeride Club venues and athletes. Throughout the winter, Jasper Freeride...
by Eddie Wong | Nov 20, 2013 | Gallery, Things To Do
Marmot Challenge held on Tranquilizer run. This post of 2013 March 20th, 2013. Alpine Art Jack and...