I often get clients asking how do I manage the facebook page? I could get into so many little stories here, but i will spare you the details.

Here is the quick and nasty way to set up your facebook role as administrator or give collaborators the roles. I highly recommend that any facebook page has several admins. Anyhow, lets get to it.


1) expand the list  2) select the page

1) expand the list
2) select the page

1) expand the list of linked accounts

2) select the page you are admin of.

3) Click on settings

3) Click on settings

3) Click on settings and another page will appear


4) Specify an email of the person that will be listed as admin or other level of co-worker.


5) specify an email address of the person you want access to

5a) If save is required, click it.


6) Put in your own personal account password

7) Click submit and also save button

8) You are done, the new admin will get notice to accept the role.